Acid/Alkaline Balance Factor

It's easily obtainable, convenient to use and cheap to buy!

Most of us may have heard of the acid/alkaline balance in the body or the pH balance.  Do we really know what it is all about and how important it is?  The acid/alkaline balance in the body is central to good health and yet many people have not considered how this balance may be affecting them!

So what is pH balance?  

The term "pH" is short for potential of hydrogen. Analytical laboratories use pH as their most frequently made measurement of our body’s electrical balance that helps to regulate a variety of bodily functions, so it must be important these numbers are for our well being.  Nowadays, pH test strips were being designed and marketed for public use to quickly and efficiently make pH measurements. The range of these test strips ranges from 0 to 14; foods with a pH between 7.1 and 14 are considered base or alkaline, and foods with a pH between 0 and 6.9 are considered acidic.  Then 7 is considered neutral. 

It is absolutely important to have a proper pH balance in order to maintain optimal health.  In order for our bodies to maintain a perfect living environment, the level we need to achieve is very close to 7.4. However if our pH varies too much from the ideal level of 7.4, it becomes very difficult for enzymes to function properly, not to mention that cancer cells cannot thrive in an alkaline environment.   Therefore by simply changing a person's diet, pH levels could be returned to normal and many degenerative and debilitating health issues could be totally eliminated.

“Acidosis” is a term used when the body has an abnormal increase in the acidity of body fluids, caused either by accumulation of acids or by depletion of bicarbonates, or alkaline compounds. Because carbon dioxide is one of the primary waste products produced by the all living cells, bicarbonates are required when the cell exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide.  Without enough bicarbonates, the waste build up of carbon dioxide in the tissues would cause your body to suffocate and this would be a perfect breeding ground for anaerobic cancer cells.

An acid environment results in a lack of energy, chronic fatigue, depression and susceptibility to all kinds of diseases.  A diet based on acid-forming ingredients such as refined sugar, dairy products, refined salt, meat, white flour and processed foods will also make you feel stressed (some of us do not recognise this state as we have never experienced an unstressed state).  Then hormones released by the body in a stressed state are also acid-forming.  It is now commonly known that meat consumption leaves an acidic residue, and a diet of acid-forming foods requires the body to balance its pH by withdrawing calcium (an alkaline mineral) from the bones and teeth.  So even if we consume sufficient calcium, a high-protein, meat-based diet will cause calcium to be leached from our bones.

Therefore, it’s imperative to consume the alkaline foods that will help to keep our bodies healthy and functioning correctly.  As all fruits and vegetables are highly alkaline, drinking freshly extracted juice is the easiest way to correct an acid/alkaline imbalance.

©Joy Madden, May 2013

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