
Lina Chua

Residence: Perth WA
14 May 2022

"This plant based session has done wonders for my body all thanks to Joy. She provided great insights about the benefits of juicing and eating raw or natural wholesome foods! I appreciate her vast knowledge of nutrition. For eg the Basic H2O, I'd thought I knew everything about the 'simple' water! Boy was I wrong. Definitely opening up my eyes up! 

Most importantly I love juicing with carrots!" 🥕🥕🥕

Christine Bebbington

Residence: Perth WA
2 March 2022

Since starting Joy's health programme in May 2021 and started drinking lots of fresh vegetable and fruit juices, I have stopped using my puffer and have not experienced any breathing difficulties. I have not had any difficulties when I walked and felt very healthy and happy. 

From my recent blood test result, my cholesterol level had become normal and my blood pressure was excellent.

Since 16 December 2021, I also lost 4 kg. 

Joy also taught me to keep fit by walking using various technics. I now walk about 30mins, 5 days a week early in the morning and I now feel more alert, less tired, more energetic and more tuned in to my body.  

Joy has been very positive, encouraging and informative. The programme has been deliberating and freeing. I will recommend this programme to everyone as it has been life changing.


Residence: Perth WA
5 November 2021

I completed an 8-week raw food course with Joy Madden earlier this year and it was just amazing! Joy is one of the most motivated and passionate people I know in the area of health. She is truly a walking advertisement to the benefits of a raw plant based diet and lives what she teaches…walks the talk so to speak! Joy is a very dedicated and inspirational health coach who lives up to her name and not to mention has a tonne of energy and could run rings around the average joe half her age!

Prior to me engaging with Joy I had fallen off the bandwagon quite badly with my eating due to some impacting family stress. I knew I needed some help in getting back on track so when I heard about Joy and her course I jumped at the opportunity straight away.

Joy was the perfect person to come alongside me. Apart from her professional approach she is one incredibly motivated woman and allowed little room for excuses, which is what I needed. I had eaten predominantly plant based for many years but regressed to some old familiar foods and had gotten away from what I knew was the right way of eating for me. Over our time together I came to learn and understand about the ‘why’ and the benefits of eating a raw diet, not just plant based (vegan) which was what my diet had mostly been for the last 8 years or so. On completing the course I came away with the knowledge and understanding I needed to get back on track and go back to what I knew was right for me…plus more. The introduction to a raw diet has been wonderfully new and exciting and has given me a whole new way of eating to explore. My plant based (Vegan) way of eating has been good but since adopting a raw diet it has taken me, and my family (because I’m the cook in our house) to a whole other level. Although I’m not 100% raw yet I am really loving the positive impact a raw plant-based diet has as the focus of my eating now. It has been so fun creating new recipes and making raw the focus not just for me but for my whole family.

The gut health and juicing aspect of the course was fantastic. I learnt a lot about gut health and the difference between an unhealthy and healthy gut…eek brace yourself to learn some horrifying truths!

I had always been big on juicing but over those 8 weeks I spent with Joy I came to a greater understanding about the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘when’ to juice which is actually really important to know if you want to get the maximum benefits.

An added bonus was doing lots of hands-on cooking in the kitchen which was great as I love to learn this way. Joy is wonderful with giving practical cooking demonstrations and is very good in providing options to eat raw on a budget if needed. She has so many recipes in her head from living this way for over 20 years and is never hesitant is sharing them which is an added bonus. Each week we would cook something together and then sit down and share it over a meal. I found this a great way to learn, and Joy was always happy and willing to share her knowledge, recipes and experience. Each week she would make sure there was ample opportunity to ask questions and provide extra support if needed. Joy’s approach to teaching is simple and practical making the learning and its application both an enjoyable and achievable experience.

At the end of the day we are all on our own journey in this. I try not to be too hard on myself when I slip up and just remember I’m not aiming for perfection just consistency. My overall aim is to be more considered with my choices and to keep growing in knowledge and understanding and what’s right for me.

The time I spent with Joy has truly been a blessing and I am so grateful for all her encouragement and support. I have been so inspired to get back on track and to see my food journey go to a whole new level with the introduction of raw! I am so very thankful for Joy and the positive impact her raw course has had and will continue to have not just on me but my family too.

Paul Madden

Residence: Perth, WA
29 October 2021

My wife, Joy, is feeding me her home-made raw food, dehydrated food, and juices.

I am finding their tastes, textures, and colours extraordinary and I can see that it inspires and vitalises my wife with her healthy pursuit and looking after me.

It took me a while to get comfortable with the diet, maybe 6 to 12 months to get used to it but the reduced dairy, meat and gluten is making me feel healthier and I reckon I live longer.

Yes, I still cook BBQ meat and eat meat when I’m out, but having my wife feed me well is a blessing.

P.S. After a while I started to appreciate that Joy’s food is tastier and more fun than eating meat. Meat can often taste boring by comparison.

Matthew Avery

Residence: Perth, WA
12 Jan 2020

Firstly all the Glory belongs to God and praise him in everything we do.  I feel my sleep has improved no end, as when we get a bit older having families of our own, a disruptive sleep pattern causes havoc on your body, and stress builds up.  Being plant based has given my quality sleep even with looking after baby number two! Another thing is my knowledge of food produce has increased, which is rather exciting, as I’m a bit of a foodie, and have been a chef for over 20 years, so actually instead of just grabbing the go to convenience foods, a lot more thought is going in, as to determine if it’s a ‘harm’ or ‘healthy food.  

Overall I feel plant based is the way forward, and ’shame on me’ for not ’opting in’ when I first met Joy back in 2007, but as the old saying goes...better late than never.

God bless you and your family Joy!

Chris Loew

Residence: Darwin, NT
2 March 2019

In Feb 2018 in Darwin, I met Joy in a church and told her about my past as a vegetarian in Melbourne and all the weight I lost, the extra energy I had to play with my 3 sons when I got home from 6 days of challenging sales in Melbourne. In the reminiscing of these extremely positive memories, Joy reminded and inspired me to re-think my eating habits.

Due to past family breakdown, divorce, and no longer having excess to my 3 sons in Melbourne, I had gone down the ‘hellville’ road of eating meats, fish, chicken, bread, junk foods, coffee, tea and lots of dairy products. I had reached a point in my life where the only energy I had available each day allowed me to drive to the local library, borrowed 6 books and read 1 book per day. I also experienced severe brain fog and depression.

Soon Joy’s husband, Paul bought me a 2nd hand juicer at St. Vinnies Op shop in Darwin city, a bag of carrots and celery sticks, and Joy offered to show me how to use the juicer. I then took the juicer and vegetables home and for the next 3 months I diligently juiced carrots, apples, celery, oranges, lemons, eating more salads and started to do small 30 min walks in conjunction with the fresh juices I was drinking.

During that period, I was also attending Joy’s free juicing and health education classes in various locations in Darwin & Palmerston.

I went through detoxification which involved up to 6-7 toilet stops per day for 2-3 days in a row. This detox experience came in waves over the next couple of weeks and with each wave, my detox lessened. I also experienced intense headaches as toxins from drinking coffee, tea, eating chocolates and acid-forming foods were also released from my body. Finally these detox symptoms ceased.

Soon I started noticing less of Chris to love because I lost approximately 23 kg within those 3 months. I also looked healthier, happier and in a more jovial and confident manner. Those dark depressive issues had also vanished.

I hope this testimony will inspire everyone to become the healthy, happy, joyful, energy filled people that God desires us to have.

Margie Goodluck

Residence: Darwin, NT
17th February 2019

For years I had thought about having a raw plant based diet but really didn’t know how to go about it and therefore never started. So when Joy invited me to her health meeting, I was keen to come and learn. 

So I started attending Joy’s health weekly meetings from 25 July 2018. I found Joy’s teaching of the benefits of juicing and eating raw plant based foods very valuable and made good sense to me. 

I immediately commenced juicing every morning and eating 80% of my food raw. Within the first week I had lost 3 kg, I continued losing weight and was pleased to have lost a total of 11 kg by mid September. 

I found juicing and raw plant based eating to be very satisfying and I was no longer craving for hot fried potato chips, chocolates, or packets of chips. And today, I still enjoy drinking fresh vegetable and fruit juices and eating an 80% plant based diet. 

One of my health benefits I noticed was the lowering of my blood pressure. On medication my blood pressure could reach as high as 160/90 but since changing to a plant based diet, my blood pressure had come down regularly to as low as 130/80 and now months later as low as 120/80. 

Other benefits were my menopausal ‘sweats’ became less frequent, and my breathing became easier. In the past I would have trouble breathing even walking up a small flight of stairs. Now I can walk up 3 flights of stairs and have no trouble breathing. 

Soon after commencing this new plant based diet, friends started commenting on how well I was looking. 

I found Joy’s teaching easy to understand, she’s very thorough and passionate about the importance of eating healthily. Joy generously shared all her knowledge with our group, answered our questions and encouraged us as we chose to change our life-style. 

The group meetings were very helpful and I learnt so much about how our bodies react to what we eat and drink. I always left feeling uplifted, inspired and encouraged to keep going with this new life style and change of diet. 

I look forward to a continued improvement of my general health and losing another 15 kg to get to my ideal healthy weight.

Paul Madden

Residence: Perth, WA
Date:  17th November 2012

In 2009 I felt the urge to attempt to beat the Bibbulmun Track record for the fastest traversal of the track.  The record stood at 16 days 15 hours and 40 minutes and was held by a close friend in Uwe Thiel and his Extreme Walkers Team for the 1000km hiking journey.

After a reasonable amount of preparation I attempted the journey in November 2010.

The journey was God inspired and Uwe was a great mentor.  I was also very well supported by Garry and Beth Shuttleworth, and my wife Joy.

Joy worked tirelessly to support me and in particular, Joy gave me a largely plant and fruit-based diet with heaps of freshly made vegetable and fruits juices.  I believe that this diet helped me feel fresher and recover easier each night of the journey.  Eventually I achieved the record at 16 days 8 hours and 15 minutes and I would attribute the time saved by a mainly raw diet to about 8 hours.

* Juice comprised of mainly carrots, celery, oranges, apples, potatoes, beetroot, garlic, ginger.

Lurlin Fayers

Residence: Perth, WA
Date:  29th November 2006

It was about 2 years ago, when my health took a turn for the worst. I was becoming extremely exhausted at the end of the day, though I kept thinking that it was probably due to my low iron.

The tiredness grew from bad to worse.  Eventually, I could not get out of bed.  The symptoms started with fatigue and painful muscles to a change in my skin texture which became really dry as well as my hair becoming coarse and weak until it began to break and thin out.   I really became afraid and thought that I was dying.  Also I had accumulated so much weight and I loved to eat sweet sugary foods.  I felt like I was losing my mind. 

Eventually my doctor (GP), whom after much persuasion, referred me to specialists who found out that I had Hashimotos, a disease which simply means hypothyroidism.

The endocrinologist treated this with thyroxine which improved my skin texture and hair but I still was really exhausted and found that I get tired easily.  I thank God it was during this time that the Lord placed Joy Madden in my pathway.  Joy put me on a raw juicing diet which included 8-10 glasses per day, which for me was miraculous.  After following this healthy way of eating raw vegetables and fruits especially large amounts of juiced carrots and lots of salads, I instantly felt so good.  My memory improved dramatically, my body felt stronger, I had so much energy, it was unbelievable. I shed the extra weight so quickly and felt so good like I hadn't felt in years. Of course with all this juicing going on, exercise was included as well.

Months later, I began a part-time job and life became pretty hectic and I slowly forgot about my juicing.  I could not stand it any longer as the symptoms returned and I felt exhausted physically and mentally and I was not coping well with life and my part-time job.  It was then that I realized I desperately needed to go back on my juicing. 

Since then I have not stopped and found that this was my new lifestyle and I had to continue with it.  People comment on how young I look, about my shiny hair and skin.  I thank God for Joy, who helped not only me but other ladies who had other ailments and I do know that a few of them still continue with the juicing and it has tremendously improved their health.

Today I am thankful to Joy for introducing us to this way of eating and also for all her encouragement, love, time and total devotion in taking us through.

Sandie Smith

Residence: Perth, WA
Date: 24th August 2005
When I was not getting better, I decided I needed to go to the hospital to have a thorough check.  There I was finally told I had shingles, a condition which they said they could not do anything about it.  They were not able to say when this pain will go away.   They gave me l0 ml of morphine to help ease the pain.   They asked whether I would like to take another dose of 10 ml of morphine but I declined.  They also advised me to rest at home since it would be more comfortable and peaceful.  I chose to return home.

In the week after I left the hospital, I was still in great pain.  I occasionally took more painkillers when I was unable to bear with the pain. Most of the time I had to sit on my lounge in a certain position with a cushion behind my back and was barely able to walk.  My energy was depleted because of  having to cope with the pain.  I could not eat very much and I was losing a lot of weight.  I had not moved my bowel for the last 9 days and was constipating.  I knew I was not getting any better.

Then on 8th April, Friday after 3.30 pm, Joy came to my house.  She asked me whether I would like her to help me with my health problem.  I accepted her offer to help though I must admit I was a little bit apprehensive.  She started to ask relevant questions such as whether I had moved my bowel and etc.  When I realised she knew what she was doing, I started to get confident.  She suggested that I start to drink plenty of vegetable juices and eat only raw vegetables and fruits.  When I agreed, she immediately brought her juicer and gave me carrot juice to start with, and added other leafy vegetables and fruits as it went on.  She also made raw salad with all different kinds of vegetables and said to eat only what I could handle.  She also brought her distilled water in a bottle and asked me to drink only distilled water then.  By the time before I went to bed,  I had drank 4-5 glasses of vegetable juices, some distilled water and eaten a small serve of salad for dinner.

Throughout the Friday night, I did not sleep properly as I was still in great pain.  Then Saturday morning came and I started to have energy to move around a bit and even helped packed some stuff as we were supposed to move house soon.  I noticed then that the pain was not as forceful as before. Joy returned that morning to continue to help to juice and I continued to drink the vegetable juices she made.  I had an average of 6-7 glasses of vegetable juices and 2 serves of salad and fruits that day and the next.  By Saturday, I started to move my bowel and on Sunday, I was already feeling better.  By Monday, I knew the pain had gone and that I did not need to put up with this pain and ill feeling anymore.  My energy level had increased and I had recovered.

Looking back at those 3 days, I could say that what I have taken has speeded up the healing that I needed.   The acute pain has gone and has not recurred till this day.   I could say it has done me good.  I had a sense of well-being.

Yvonne O'Reilly

Residence: Durban, South Africa
Date: 27th July 2005

On the 3rd March 2005, I felt sick with palpitations of the heart and had dizzy spells. I spoke to Joy and she advised me to go onto a raw fruit and vegetable diet to detox my body. She felt I needed to detox. So I started the detox process with raw fruits and vegetables the next day. After a few days I felt a great improvement. The palpitations and dizziness stopped. The allergy on both my hands also stopped. I also felt that I had much more energy. Within a month I also lost 8 kg. I also saw a great improvement on my skin. The patches on my face had gone. I used to get blisters under my foot during Summer and that also dried up. While all these were happening I did not go to the doctor or use any tablets.

I want to encourage anyone who has problems with palpitations of the heart, rashes, dizziness, allergies, weight, skin blotches on the face and blisters to go on to this raw fruit and vegetable diet, with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Note:  The above authors have given permission for their personal testimony and photo to be posted on this website. 

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